New Feature Bulletin

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Upgraded Capabilities To Box Title Feature

Our box title field has now been updated to appear on scoresheets. This new feature is beneficial to org admins, score keepers, game facilitators, and spectators because it acts as a clear placeholder to each game by displaying a key description on the scoresheets and schedule. To learn more about this great feature and how to utilize it,  CLICK HERE

You Can Now Select An Area As A Location!

Previously on Rsportz, we only offered the ability to add a specific location as one of your organization's sport facilities. A newly released feature allows you to designate a broader area that encompasses multiple locations. This is especially beneficial to organizations who have multiple events taking place within close proximity to each other. To learn more about this feature and setting locations for your org, Click Here.

Adjusting Charges & Adding Payments Manually

Sometimes, mistakes are inevitable. Luckily, our team has released new functionality that enables org administrators to correct mishaps pertaining to payment transactions. Click here to read more about how to adjust charges or add a payment to previous inaccurate transactions. 

Displaying Custom Messages To The Dashboard Of Selected Members

We now offer org admin the ability to display a customized message to the dashboard of selected members. You can relay important notices, alerts or other messages to the members of your organization. Once the user signs in, they will be directed to their member dashboard where your message will be waiting to greet them! To learn more about this feature and how to get your customized message appearing to your desired audience of members, Click Here.

Want To Customize Your Organization's ID Card?

Are you an administrator to your organization? Want to add some style and improvements to your standard membership ID card? We've recently released some upgrades in the ability to customize your organization ID card. To learn about the handful of ways an org's ID card can be modified, visit our help solutions section here.

Membership Fee Adjustments

There are many options when it comes to assigning and processing fees for your membership options. If you are an administrator to your organization, you will benefit from this. To check out how membership fees work and to see the latest improvements, we invite you to visit out customer help solution forum here.

In addition to requiring fees for memberships, it is possible to include a division registration fee for team, individual, and parent child registrations. You can read more about that by clicking here.

Viewing A Team's Schedule As A Player Or Parent

Are you a player or parent of a player looking to view your team's schedule? You can visit our customer help solutions section for a detailed series of steps provided to help direct you to your team's schedule. 

Membership Renewals

We've made some adjustments to the membership renewal process. Click Here to learn more about membership renewals in our customer help section. 

Improvements To Bulk Emailer

Our bulk email feature allows you to easily communicate with members of your organization. All you have to do is write your email and select your audience by using the filters to reach the desired recipients of your choice. As coach or org admin, you can now indicate recipients from your staff for a reply-to response with bulk emails. To learn more details about the bulk emailer and its newest improvements CLICK HERE

New Optional Configuration To Enforce Age Restrictions During Division Registration

Are you an administrator of an organization? We've now added the ability to enforce age restrictions during registration. This is beneficial to you because it allows our system to filter out under-aged or over-aged members before they successfully register to a division. This is designed to help each organization avoid the disarray of having registrants misplaced in a division that does not match their age group. Here's how it works

Upgraded Capabilities To Box Title Feature

Our box title field has now been updated to appear on scoresheets. This new feature is beneficial to org admins, score keepers, game facilitators, and spectators because it acts as a clear placeholder to each game by displaying a key description on the scoresheets and schedule. To learn more about this great feature and how to utilize it,  CLICK HERE

New Optional Configuration To Enforce Age Restrictions During Division Registration

Are you an administrator of an organization? We've now added the ability to enforce age restrictions during registration. This is beneficial to you because it allows our system to filter out under-aged or over-aged members before they successfully register to a division. This is designed to help each organization avoid the disarray of having registrants misplaced in a division that does not match their age group. Here's how it works

Improvements To Bulk Emailer

Our bulk email feature allows you to easily communicate with members of your organization. All you have to do is write your email and select your audience by using the filters to reach the desired recipients of your choice. As coach or org admin, you can now indicate recipients from your staff for a reply-to response with bulk emails. To learn more details about the bulk emailer and its newest improvements CLICK HERE

Membership Renewals

We've made some adjustments to the membership renewal process. Click Here to learn more about membership renewals in our customer help section.

Membership Fee Adjustments

There are many options when it comes to assigning and processing fees for your membership options. If you are an administrator to your organization, you will benefit from this. To check out how membership fees work and to see the latest improvements, we invite you to visit out customer help solution forum here.

In addition to requiring fees for memberships, it is possible to include a division registration fee for team, individual, and parent child registrations. You can read more about that by clicking here.

Viewing A Team's Schedule As A Player Or Parent

Are you a player or parent of a player looking to view your team's schedule? You can visit our customer help solutions section for a detailed series of steps provided to help direct you to your team's schedule. 

Want To Customize Your Organization's ID Card?

Are you an administrator to your organization? Want to add some style and improvements to your standard membership ID card? We've recently released some upgrades in the ability to customize your organization ID card. To learn about the handful of ways an org's ID card can be modified, visit our help solutions section here.

Displaying Custom Messages To The Dashboard Of Selected Members

We now offer org admin the ability to display a customized message to the dashboard of selected members. You can relay important notices, alerts or other messages to the members of your organization. Once the user signs in, they will be directed to their member dashboard where your message will be waiting to greet them! To learn more about this feature and how to get your customized message appearing to your desired audience of members, Click Here.

Adjusting Charges & Adding Payments Manually

Sometimes, mistakes are inevitable. Luckily, our team has released new functionality that enables org administrators to correct mishaps pertaining to payment transactions. Click here to read more about how to adjust charges or add a payment to previous inaccurate transactions. 

You Can Now Select An Area As A Location!

Previously on Rsportz, we only offered the ability to add a specific location as one of your organization's sport facilities. A newly released feature allows you to designate a broader area that encompasses multiple locations. This is especially beneficial to organizations who have multiple events taking place within close proximity to each other. To learn more about this feature and setting locations for your org, Click Here.

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